Third DIALOGUE Workshop: Towards the Next Generation of Data Grid Software
overview | registration | accommodation | agenda | list of participants
We have prereserved standard single rooms (with Internet) from February 24 to March 1 for the workshop participants in the following hotels (located about 15 minutes walking distance to the wokshop venue):
Hotel Erzherzog Rainer ****
Address: Wiedner Hauptstrasse 27-29, 1040 Vienna Tel.: +43 1 501 11-0* Fax: +43 1 501 11-350 Webpage91,- EUR/Day (incl. breakfast) - reservation before 31. January 2007
Hotel Johann Strauss ****
Address: Favoritenstrasse 12, 1040 Vienna Tel.: +43 1 505 76 24 Fax: +43 1 505 76 28 Webpage90,- EUR/Day (incl. breakfast) - reservation before 8. February 2007
Hotel Bristol *****
Webpage229,- EUR/Day - reservation before 31. January 2007
To get the above special discount prices, please provide (by phone) the hotel reservation office with the following code: DIALOGUE WORKSHOP
If you select one of the workshop hotels you will find some useful support (local public transport tickets, city maps, etc.) at the moment of your arrivals to the hotel.